// source --> https://eurocongres.es/blog/wp-content/plugins/responsive-lightbox/js/front.js?ver=2.1.0 ( function ( $ ) { // parse query string var parse_str = function( name, str ) { var regex = new RegExp( '[?&]' + name.replace( /[\[\]]/g, '\\$&' ) + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)' ), results = regex.exec( '&' + str ); return ( ! results || ! results[2] ? '' : decodeURIComponent( results[2].replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) ) ); } // observe DOM changes var observe_script_dom = ( function () { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver, eventListenerSupported = window.addEventListener; return function ( obj, only_added, callback ) { if ( MutationObserver ) { // define a new observer var obs = new MutationObserver( function ( mutations, observer ) { if ( only_added ) { if ( mutations[0].addedNodes.length ) callback(); } else { if ( mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length ) callback(); } } ); // have the observer observe for changes in children obs.observe( obj, { childList: true, subtree: true } ); } else if ( eventListenerSupported ) { obj.addEventListener( 'DOMNodeInserted', callback, false ); if ( !only_added ) { obj.addEventListener( 'DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false ); } } } } )(); // ready event handler $( document ).on( 'ready' + rlArgs.customEvents, function () { var containers = []; // check for infinite galleries $( '.rl-gallery-container' ).each( function() { var container = $( this ); // is it ifinite scroll gallery? if ( container.hasClass( 'rl-pagination-infinite' ) ) { containers.push( container ); } else { // remove loading class container.removeClass( 'rl-loading' ); } } ); // any infinite galleries? if ( containers.length > 0 ) { for ( var i = 0; i < containers.length; i++ ) { var container = containers[i], gallery = container.find( '.rl-gallery' ), gallery_id = parseInt( container.data( 'gallery_id' ) ), gallery_scroll_type = container.find( '.rl-pagination-bottom' ).data( 'button' ), gallery_button = typeof gallery_scroll_type !== 'undefined' && gallery_scroll_type === 'manually'; // initialize infinite scroll gallery.infiniteScroll( { path: '.rl-gallery-container[data-gallery_id="' + gallery_id + '"] .rl-pagination-bottom .next', append: '.rl-gallery-container[data-gallery_id="' + gallery_id + '"] .rl-gallery-item' + ( gallery.hasClass( 'rl-masonry-gallery' ) || gallery.hasClass( 'rl-basicmasonry-gallery' ) ? '-no-append' : '' ), status: false, hideNav: '.rl-gallery-container[data-gallery_id="' + gallery_id + '"] .rl-pagination-bottom', prefill: ! gallery_button, loadOnScroll: true, scrollThreshold: gallery_button ? false : 0, button: gallery_button ? '.rl-gallery-container[data-gallery_id="' + gallery_id + '"] .rl-load-more' : false, debug: false, history: false, onInit: function() { // infinite with button? if ( container.hasClass( 'rl-pagination-infinite' ) && gallery_button ) { // remove loading class container.removeClass( 'rl-loading' ); } // store gallery ID for append event var _gallery_id = gallery_id; // request event this.on( 'request', function( path ) { // add loading class container.addClass( 'rl-loading' ); } ); // append event this.on( 'append', function ( response, path, items ) { // remove loading class container.removeClass( 'rl-loading' ); $.event.trigger( { type: 'doResponsiveLightbox', script: rlArgs.script, selector: rlArgs.selector, args: rlArgs, pagination_type: 'infinite', gallery_id: _gallery_id, masonry: gallery.hasClass( 'rl-masonry-gallery' ) || gallery.hasClass( 'rl-basicmasonry-gallery' ), infinite: { gallery: gallery, response: response, items: items } } ); } ); } } ); } } // initialize event $.event.trigger( { type: 'doResponsiveLightbox', script: rlArgs.script, selector: rlArgs.selector, args: rlArgs } ); } ); // pagination $( document ).on( 'click', '.rl-pagination a.page-numbers', function ( e ) { var link = $( this ), container = link.closest( '.rl-gallery-container' ); // ajax type pagination? if ( container.hasClass( 'rl-pagination-ajax' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var gallery_id = container.data( 'gallery_id' ); // add loading class container.addClass( 'rl-loading' ); $.post( rlArgs.ajaxurl, { action: 'rl-get-gallery-page-content', gallery_id: gallery_id, page: parse_str( 'rl_page', link.prop( 'href' ) ), nonce: rlArgs.nonce } ).done( function ( response ) { // replace container with new content container.replaceWith( $( response ).removeClass( 'rl-loading' ) ); // trigger main event $.event.trigger( { type: 'doResponsiveLightbox', script: rlArgs.script, selector: rlArgs.selector, args: rlArgs, pagination_type: 'ajax', gallery_id: gallery_id } ); } ).fail( function () { container.removeClass( 'rl-loading' ); } ); return false; } } ); // this is similar to the WP function add_action(); $( document ).on( 'doResponsiveLightbox', function ( event ) { if ( typeof event.masonry !== 'undefined' && event.masonry === true ) { return false; } var script = event.script, selector = event.selector, args = event.args; if ( typeof script === 'undefined' || typeof selector === 'undefined' ) { return false; } rl_view_image = function ( script, url ) { $.event.trigger( { type: 'doLightboxViewImage', script: script, url: url } ); } rl_hide_image = function ( script, url ) { $.event.trigger( { type: 'doLightboxHideImage', script: script, url: url } ); } // WooCommerce 3.0+ compatibility setTimeout( function () { var flex = $( '.flex-viewport' ); if ( args.woocommerce_gallery === '1' && flex.length ) { $( '.zoomImg' ).css( 'cursor', 'pointer' ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.flex-active-slide .zoomImg', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); flex.find( '.flex-active-slide a[data-rel]' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); } }, 10 ); // init lightbox switch ( script ) { case 'swipebox': var slide = $( '#swipebox-overlay' ).find( '.slide.current' ), image_source = '', allow_hide = false, close_executed = false; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).swipebox( { useCSS: ( args.animation === '1' ? true : false ), useSVG: ( args.useSVG === '1' ? true : false ), hideCloseButtonOnMobile: ( args.hideCloseButtonOnMobile === '1' ? true : false ), removeBarsOnMobile: ( args.removeBarsOnMobile === '1' ? true : false ), hideBarsDelay: ( args.hideBars === '1' ? parseInt( args.hideBarsDelay ) : 0 ), videoMaxWidth: parseInt( args.videoMaxWidth ), loopAtEnd: ( args.loopAtEnd === '1' ? true : false ), afterOpen: function () { close_executed = false; // update current slide container slide = $( '#swipebox-overlay' ).find( '.slide.current' ); // get image source var image = slide.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // valid image source? if ( typeof image !== 'undefined' ) { image_source = image; // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, image_source ); } else { image_source = ''; } // add current slide observer observe_script_dom( document.getElementById( 'swipebox-slider' ), false, function () { if ( image_source === '' ) { // get image source var image = slide.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // valid image source? if ( typeof image !== 'undefined' ) { image_source = image; // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, image_source ); } else { image_source = ''; } } } ); }, nextSlide: function () { // update current slide container slide = $( '#swipebox-overlay' ).find( '.slide.current' ); // get image source var image = slide.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // valid image source? if ( typeof image !== 'undefined' ) { image_source = image; // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, image_source ); } else { image_source = ''; } }, prevSlide: function () { // update current slide container slide = $( '#swipebox-overlay' ).find( '.slide.current' ); // get image source var image = slide.find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // valid image source? if ( typeof image !== 'undefined' ) { image_source = image; // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, image_source ); } else { image_source = ''; } }, afterClose: function () { // afterClose event executed close_executed = true; // allow to hide image? if ( allow_hide ) { // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, image_source ); allow_hide = false; } } } ); // additional event to prevent rl_hide_image to execure while opening modal $( window ).on( 'resize', function () { if ( !close_executed ) { allow_hide = true; } } ); break; case 'prettyphoto': var view_disabled = false, last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).each( function () { var el = $( this ); // set description el.attr( 'title', el.data( 'rl_caption' ) ); // set title el.find( 'img' ).attr( 'alt', el.data( 'rl_title' ) ); } ); $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).prettyPhoto( { hook: 'data-rel', animation_speed: args.animationSpeed, slideshow: ( args.slideshow === '1' ? parseInt( args.slideshowDelay ) : false ), autoplay_slideshow: ( args.slideshowAutoplay === '1' ? true : false ), opacity: args.opacity, show_title: ( args.showTitle === '1' ? true : false ), allow_resize: ( args.allowResize === '1' ? true : false ), allow_expand: ( args.allowExpand === '1' ? true : false ), default_width: parseInt( args.width ), default_height: parseInt( args.height ), counter_separator_label: args.separator, theme: args.theme, horizontal_padding: parseInt( args.horizontalPadding ), hideflash: ( args.hideFlash === '1' ? true : false ), wmode: args.wmode, autoplay: ( args.videoAutoplay === '1' ? true : false ), modal: ( args.modal === '1' ? true : false ), deeplinking: ( args.deeplinking === '1' ? true : false ), overlay_gallery: ( args.overlayGallery === '1' ? true : false ), keyboard_shortcuts: ( args.keyboardShortcuts === '1' ? true : false ), social_tools: ( args.social === '1' ? '
' : '' ), ie6_fallback: true, changepicturecallback: function () { // is view disabled? if ( view_disabled ) { // enable view view_disabled = false; return; } last_image = $( '#pp_full_res' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); // is expanding allowed? if ( args.allowExpand === '1' ) { // disable changepicturecallback event after expanding $( 'a.pp_expand' ).on( 'click', function () { view_disabled = true; } ); } }, callback: function () { // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, last_image ); } } ); break; case 'fancybox': var last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).fancybox( { modal: ( args.modal === '1' ? true : false ), overlayShow: ( args.showOverlay === '1' ? true : false ), showCloseButton: ( args.showCloseButton === '1' ? true : false ), enableEscapeButton: ( args.enableEscapeButton === '1' ? true : false ), hideOnOverlayClick: ( args.hideOnOverlayClick === '1' ? true : false ), hideOnContentClick: ( args.hideOnContentClick === '1' ? true : false ), cyclic: ( args.cyclic === '1' ? true : false ), showNavArrows: ( args.showNavArrows === '1' ? true : false ), autoScale: ( args.autoScale === '1' ? true : false ), scrolling: args.scrolling, centerOnScroll: ( args.centerOnScroll === '1' ? true : false ), opacity: ( args.opacity === '1' ? true : false ), overlayOpacity: parseFloat( args.overlayOpacity / 100 ), overlayColor: args.overlayColor, titleShow: ( args.titleShow === '1' ? true : false ), titlePosition: args.titlePosition, transitionIn: args.transitions, transitionOut: args.transitions, easingIn: args.easings, easingOut: args.easings, speedIn: parseInt( args.speeds ), speedOut: parseInt( args.speeds ), changeSpeed: parseInt( args.changeSpeed ), changeFade: parseInt( args.changeFade ), padding: parseInt( args.padding ), margin: parseInt( args.margin ), width: parseInt( args.videoWidth ), height: parseInt( args.videoHeight ), onComplete: function () { last_image = $( '#fancybox-content' ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); }, onClosed: function () { // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, last_image ); } } ); break; case 'nivo': $.each( $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ), function () { var attr = $( this ).attr( 'data-rel' ); // check data-rel attribute first if ( typeof attr === 'undefined' || attr == false ) { // if not found then try to check rel attribute for backward compatibility attr = $( this ).attr( 'rel' ); } // for some browsers, `attr` is undefined; for others, `attr` is false. Check for both. if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false ) { var match = attr.match( new RegExp( selector + '\\-(gallery\\-(?:[\\da-z]{1,4}))', 'ig' ) ); if ( match !== null ) { $( this ).attr( 'data-lightbox-gallery', match[0] ); } } } ); var observer_initialized = false, change_allowed = true, last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).nivoLightbox( { effect: args.effect, clickOverlayToClose: ( args.clickOverlayToClose === '1' ? true : false ), keyboardNav: ( args.keyboardNav === '1' ? true : false ), errorMessage: args.errorMessage, afterShowLightbox: function ( lightbox ) { var content = $( lightbox )[0].find( '.nivo-lightbox-content' ); // is observer initialized? if ( !observer_initialized ) { // turn it off observer_initialized = true; // add content observer observe_script_dom( document.getElementsByClassName( 'nivo-lightbox-content' )[0], true, function () { if ( change_allowed ) { last_image = content.find( '.nivo-lightbox-image img' ).attr( 'src' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); // disallow observer changes change_allowed = false; } } ); } }, afterHideLightbox: function () { // allow observer changes change_allowed = true; // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, last_image ); }, onPrev: function ( element ) { // disallow observer changes change_allowed = false; last_image = element[0].attr( 'href' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); }, onNext: function ( element ) { // disallow observer changes change_allowed = false; last_image = element[0].attr( 'href' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); } } ); break; case 'imagelightbox': var selectors = [ ], last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).each( function ( i, item ) { var attr = $( item ).attr( 'data-rel' ); // check data-rel attribute first if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); // if not found then try to check rel attribute for backward compatibility else { attr = $( item ).attr( 'rel' ); if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); } } ); if ( selectors.length > 0 ) { // make unique selectors = $.unique( selectors ); $( selectors ).each( function ( i, item ) { if ( typeof event.pagination_type !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).each( function() { $( this ).off( 'click.imageLightbox' ); } ); } $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).imageLightbox( { animationSpeed: parseInt( args.animationSpeed ), preloadNext: ( args.preloadNext === '1' ? true : false ), enableKeyboard: ( args.enableKeyboard === '1' ? true : false ), quitOnEnd: ( args.quitOnEnd === '1' ? true : false ), quitOnImgClick: ( args.quitOnImageClick === '1' ? true : false ), quitOnDocClick: ( args.quitOnDocumentClick === '1' ? true : false ), onLoadEnd: function () { last_image = $( '#imagelightbox' ).attr( 'src' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); }, onEnd: function () { // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, last_image ); } } ); } ); } break; case 'tosrus': var selectors = [ ], last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).each( function ( i, item ) { var attr = $( item ).attr( 'data-rel' ); // check data-rel attribute first if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); // if not found then try to check rel attribute for backward compatibility else { attr = $( item ).attr( 'rel' ); if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); } } ); if ( selectors.length > 0 ) { // make unique selectors = $.unique( selectors ); $( selectors ).each( function ( i, item ) { if ( typeof event.pagination_type !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'body' ).find( '.tosrus-' + item ).remove(); $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).each( function() { $( this ).off( 'click.tos' ); } ); } var tos = $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).tosrus( { infinite: ( args.infinite === '1' ? true : false ), autoplay: { play: ( args.autoplay === '1' ? true : false ), pauseOnHover: ( args.pauseOnHover === '1' ? true : false ), timeout: args.timeout }, effect: args.effect, keys: { prev: ( args.keys === '1' ? true : false ), next: ( args.keys === '1' ? true : false ), close: ( args.keys === '1' ? true : false ) }, pagination: { add: ( args.pagination === '1' ? true : false ), type: args.paginationType }, // forced show: false, buttons: true, caption: { add: true, attributes: [ "title" ] }, wrapper: { classes: 'tosrus-' + item, onClick: args.closeOnClick === '1' ? 'close' : 'toggleUI' } } ); tos.bind( 'sliding.tos', function ( event, number ) { last_image = $( $( event.target ).find( '.tos-slider .tos-slide' )[number] ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ); // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); } ); tos.bind( 'closing.tos', function () { // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, last_image ); } ); } ); } break; case 'featherlight': var selectors = [ ], last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).each( function ( i, item ) { var attr = $( item ).attr( 'data-rel' ); // check data-rel attribute first if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); // if not found then try to check rel attribute for backward compatibility else { attr = $( item ).attr( 'rel' ); if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); } } ); if ( selectors.length > 0 ) { // make unique selectors = $.unique( selectors ); // set defaults $.extend( $.featherlight.defaults, { openSpeed: parseInt( args.openSpeed ), closeSpeed: parseInt( args.closeSpeed ), closeOnClick: args.closeOnClick, closeOnEsc: ( args.closeOnEsc === '1' ? true : false ), afterOpen: function ( event ) { last_image = event.currentTarget.href; // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, last_image ); }, afterClose: function () { // trigger image hide rl_hide_image( script, last_image ); } } ); $( selectors ).each( function ( i, item ) { if ( typeof event.pagination_type !== 'undefined' ) { $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).each( function() { $( this ).off( 'click.featherlight' ); } ); } // gallery? if ( /-gallery-/.test( item ) ) { $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).featherlightGallery( { galleryFadeIn: parseInt( args.galleryFadeIn ), galleryFadeOut: parseInt( args.galleryFadeOut ), previousIcon: '❮', nextIcon: '❯' } ); // video? } else if ( /-video-/.test( item ) ) { $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).featherlight(); // single image? } else { $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ).featherlight(); } } ); } break; case 'magnific': var selectors = [ ], last_image = ''; $( 'a[rel*="' + selector + '"], a[data-rel*="' + selector + '"]' ).each( function ( i, item ) { var attr = $( item ).attr( 'data-rel' ); // check data-rel attribute first if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); // if not found then try to check rel attribute for backward compatibility else { attr = $( item ).attr( 'rel' ); if ( typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false && attr !== 'norl' ) selectors.push( attr ); } } ); if ( selectors.length > 0 ) { // make unique selectors = $.unique( selectors ); $( selectors ).each( function ( i, item ) { var subselector = $( 'a[data-rel="' + item + '"], a[rel="' + item + '"]' ), element = $( subselector[0] ), media_type = element.data( 'magnific_type' ), content_type = element.data( 'rl_content' ); // check content type first if ( typeof content_type !== 'undefined' ) { media_type = content_type; } // then media type if needed if ( typeof media_type === 'undefined' ) { media_type = 'image'; } subselector.magnificPopup( { type: media_type === 'gallery' ? 'image' : ( media_type === 'video' ? 'iframe' : media_type ), disableOn: args.disableOn, midClick: args.midClick === '1', preloader: args.preloader === '1', closeOnContentClick: args.closeOnContentClick === '1', closeOnBgClick: args.closeOnBgClick === '1', closeBtnInside: args.closeBtnInside === '1', showCloseBtn: args.showCloseBtn === '1', enableEscapeKey: args.enableEscapeKey === '1', alignTop: args.alignTop === '1', autoFocusLast: args.autoFocusLast === '1', fixedContentPos: args.fixedContentPos === 'auto' ? 'auto' : ( args.fixedContentPos === '1' ), fixedBgPos: args.fixedBgPos === 'auto' ? 'auto' : ( args.fixedBgPos === '1' ), image: { titleSrc: function ( item ) { return item.el.attr( 'data-rl_title' ) + '' + item.el.attr( 'data-rl_caption' ) + ''; } }, gallery: { enabled: subselector.length > 1 && media_type === 'gallery', navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] }, callbacks: { close: function() { rl_hide_image( script, this.currItem.src ); }, imageLoadComplete: function() { // trigger image view rl_view_image( script, this.currItem.src ); } } } ); } ); } break; } } ); } )( jQuery ); // source --> https://eurocongres.es/blog/wp-content/themes/ecope.es/js/plugins.min.js?ver=1.0.0 if("undefined"==typeof jQuery)throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery");+function(t){"use strict";function e(){var t=document.createElement("bootstrap"),e={WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"oTransitionEnd otransitionend",transition:"transitionend"};for(var o in e)if(void 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